Full Muscle Flexibility

Today I'm going to give you a very quick routine, one that flows from movement, to movement,to movement that's going to get your ready, and a lot of different  ways to prepare yourbody to train. I'm going to get right into it.Basically what you want to do is start with something that gets the posterior chain loose because one of the areas that gets most tight on us are our hamstrings, our backs; so youstart with an inchworm.You come down here, you're going to walk yourself out, and when you get to the bottom it's notjust about "muscle flexibility", guys.You also want stability, too. We have stability by getting our shoulders in this position here.We walk ourselves back.We're getting some compression of the shoulder joint.That's a good thing for your shoulders.You'll notice that when you come down, because of your tight hamstrings, your knees willkind of kick forward, and then you can get them straight about here.

The goal is, on each successive rep, to try to get your hamstrings to be able to stayback by keeping your knees back, further, and further on each rep.You work your way all the way out.10 reps.On the last one you come right down – again, I said this would. Flow from one to the next.You get in this 90-90 position here.90 degrees at this hip, 90 degrees at that hip back there.Just like this.Now we want to get a lot done in one stretch.So we lean out, over this forward knee which is going to stretch the hell out of this forwardhip here, and then we hook our elbow on the top of that knee here, like that, so we getthis added stretch of the lats, and that backside – the posterior shoulder capsule here, onthat side.Then we reach out this way with our arms.Five seconds.Come out of it, go back down, and do it again.This is not a static holding routine.This is a dynamic stretching routine to get yourself prepared to train.So you don’t want to sit here and hold forever. So you lean in, and then we come out of it and swap the feet up, and we do the same thing.On that last rep here, you do five to each side, and on that last rep you just straightenyourself out, come down.Now we've got to work on that spine a little bit.So in this position here we're going to roll our body.Leave the leg trailing back there and keep your arms reached up overhead so we're workingon our thoracic extension.That middle of the spine, getting it to be able to lean back more here.Let gravity help you.Then you come down and you roll yourself to the opposite side.You're also getting some good mobility here through your lumbar spine, feeling nice andloose, and of course, stretching  that top hip. Just like that.You keep alternating five and five to each side there.Then on that last rep there you come into this position here. You sit up, put your hands back, open up your chest, get your shoulders and your chest "stretchedout" here into this reverse table.When you get up here, drive up, activate your glutes, reach, push through here, reach acrossyour body, and go as far as you can.So now we're getting a stretch on the hip flexor, on this leg mostly.You're getting compression through this shoulder joint, which is good for activating the musclesinside that, and stabilizes your shoulder, and of course you're getting more of thatthoracic extension here, and rotation.That way.You come down, alternate, open, reach.Push as hard as you can through your glutes to activate them.Alternate for five on each side.Then we stand up.Here's the flow. It keeps going.

We stand up and go now to the three way lunge.We step out here, lunge, reach back.Now we're stretching out the hip flexor on this side, but we're also getting glute activationon the front leg.Reach, don’t hang out here too long.Three way lunge, we're going to go now to 45 degrees.Step, and lean back toward the planted leg.Now we're getting a little bit of a groin stretch at this oblique angle here. We're also getting the glute activation at this 45 degree angle.Then we step back, step straight to the side.Again, lean back in that direction, really stretching the adductors and groin on thisleg.At the same time we're opening up the ribcage on the right hand side and still having thatglute activation.Five times of the three way sequence on this leg, five times of the three way sequenceon that side.Now it gets ugly. The hamstring pulses.Nobody stretches their hamstrings right.You have to be in an anterior pelvic tilt if you want to stretch your hamstrings.Meaning your pelvis has to be in this position, not that position.If you're doing anything out of this position it's not really a hamstring stretch. It's not really putting the stretch where it needs to be.So what you need to do is get into this position, you lunge out, get into the anterior  tilt. Get your back arched.Drop straight down from here.Almost like a sprinter position here.Now you drive back with the knee.I didn't cave in. I left it in this position here.I'm just dropping down and I'm driving my knee back.These are the pulses.One.Kills.Two.It's hard to get it all the way straight because you're already using up hamstring length byhaving your leg in front of you, and now, of course, we have the pelvis in the rightposition.So it's really difficult, but you want to try to pulse, and get that leg back, as straightas you possibly can.Five times on each leg. Then we do straighten the leg here.Let the leg stay locked out, get into the anterior tilt, and now we do five reaches.The reaches start here. Reach forward as if you were trying to push somebody away from you.Right here.You'll probably run out of room pretty quick, especially if you don’t allow your kneeto buckle.So right here, reach, and back. Reach, and back.Reach. You do that five times on each leg.Then we've got  to work on finishing this off, getting the upper body a little bit loose.So now we do something called a can opener. What the can opener is, if you look at the lower body first you loosen up your hips,you're making a mobile rotation, rotation. Internal, external.And your arms are just following along for the ride.But now, once you're ready, pretend you're throwing with your right arm.It's up here, and then down, across your body. It's up, and it's down across your body.So now you're getting this dynamic stretch here of the posterior shoulder, and rotatorcuff on the way down, and then you're opening it up, and you're opening up the chest onthe way back. 

The other arm just goes along for the ride.It travels  more across the body, this way.All the way up, chop down.10 this direction, and then 10 the other direction.Then we want to get those shoulders – right before we're about to use them – we've hada lot of compression.Let's get them to feel nice, and loose again.We can do that by just letting gravity help us.These are dead shoulder circles.So you're letting your arm hang as dead as it can be.Don’t hold on tight.Try to let it hang as dead as it could be and you try to make big circles.Your fingers won't touch the floor here if you're at the right height, but you shouldreach for the floor.Let them almost feel like they can scrape the floor each time.Do nice, 10, big circles, feeling as if your shoulders are pulling down a little bit, gettinga little bit of distraction, and loosening up the shoulder joint.10, and then 10, the other arm.Then finally, we have ankle breakers because all of this starts from the ground up.You want to make sure that your ankles feel nice, and loose.One of the places we get extremely tight is the outside of our calves.The perineal muscles that run up and down the side.So what you do is, you step, and you allow your foot to bend down, okay?If you have to cheat it you just step forward a little bit from the start.But you'll feel this nice stretch going on in the outside of – believe me, this issafe – on the outside of your ankle, and in your shin.Then you just take it, you step forward, and just turn, and rotate in the opposite direction.Then flatten everything back out.Drop it, step, rotate, just like that.Again, three to four seconds is all you need to do.You're getting this nice dynamic stretch of all the ankle muscles there, like that.You go through 10 on each side.I'm leaning this way so that when I push my hips out that way I'm getting that nice "stretchon" the outside of the ankle.There you have it, guys.Everything will flow, there's no wasted movement here.You've got glute activation, you've got shoulder activation, you've got shoulder stabilization,you've got thoracic extension, you've attacked your lumbar spine as well.You've gotten your chest and shoulder capsules to be loose, too.You've worked on everything from the ground up, and you've done it in a short period oftime.I can't stand when I see people devote 20 minutes, and 30 minutes to just their warmup.It's unnecessary.Try this out.You're going to feel nice, and loose.I don’t care what workout you're doing.You can use this flow, this matrix, we like to call it, 10 exercises, to feel as greatas you can, getting ready to attack your training.Now, static stretching is a whole other thing.It's a whole other purpose.This is meant to get your ready to train.Remember guys, a plan is necessary if you want to be able to get something down withoutwasting a lot of time. "MORE INFO"

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